You Get a Beard! You Get a Beard! Everybody Gets a Beeeeeaaarrrdddd!

It has come to Bajira!’s attention, via WordPress’s statistics-tracking system, that David Malki ! is Oprah.

Accordingly, Bajira! would like to thank Oprah for choosing us as one of the ten lucky recipients of Clever Tricks to Stave Off Death. We shall treasure it always until court-ordered to stop, after which we shall treasure it sporadically.

14 responses to “You Get a Beard! You Get a Beard! Everybody Gets a Beeeeeaaarrrdddd!

  1. that is correct: even a court order to stop treasuring will only result in a decrease but not a complete desist.

    also, i’d like to thank gojira for all of her hard-work and creativity and cleverness, the benefits of which i will reap.

  2. mr. malki ! totally outed you.

    congratulations thought.

  3. that should have been “though”

  4. i would like to thank baji for: being the wind beneath my wings; telling me about wings and winds; and sending me links about wings and things.

    and i’d like to thank the academy.

  5. Then do it!

  6. holy cow, I finally noticed that cathy, my good friend from college, is winner #4!!! and i also kinda know #3 as well (well, I’ve harassed her over skype, that should count for something)

  7. you know, i saw ‘cathy’ and ‘cautionary’ and thought the combo looked familiar but couldn’t place it. now i know – it’s from your blogroll! so you know a third of the wondermark winners? wonderbar!

  8. I, on the other hand, completely failed to recognize you! But your entry was made of wonderfulness. Mine was just a shameless pander to Wondermark in general–apparently admitting to keeping the book in the bathroom was the clincher for me. Congrats, fellow beard-o-phile!

  9. Thanks CaTHY! Congratulations to you too!

    “A shameless pander” made me think of “a shamelessness of pandas,” which made me think of this:

    One way or another, everything leads back to Wondermark.

  10. cathy, it would be a stretch to think you’d recognize ‘silly baji’ from upyernoz’s roll (which is missing?! when did that happen?) as the silent half of ‘bajira’ when the creator of the winning piece was ‘gojira’ (trying to use her interwebs name b/c still hoping malki ! will replace her real name with ‘gojira’ so we can retain some anonymity to go along with our animosity).

    anyway, congrats to you too! and i also saw that wording as ‘shameless panda’ … great minds think alike!

  11. oh wait, there’s the blog roll. n’er mind.

  12. I admire Upyernoz’s ability to stay in avatar-character.

    And on that note, kotobuki!

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